At Home With Ana Sutherland @anasutherland

Who is Ana?
What a tricky thing to put into words!
I guess most fundamental to me is that I’m in love with love and beauty and living a loving, beautiful, somewhat decadent life.
Some of my favourite things: picnics, roses, wild swimming, long long hugs, puffy down duvets, anything truffle, beautiful and delicious food, colourful buildings, rooftop cocktails…I could go on!
What is your morning routine?
I’m a bit of a mess in the morning! On weekdays I snooze my alarm five times and get up about 10-15 minutes before leaving the house—I’m very skilled at speed-makeup.
On the weekends or when I have more time I usually start by putting some classical music on my speakers, making pancakes or a pastry and coffee, and taking it all back to bed to enjoy.
Mornings where I can wake up naturally and move slowly are my favourite! If I have to wake up quickly I also love to rub an ice cube over my face—it’s super refreshing and makes my skin feel lovely.
What is your favourite room in the house?
The living room! I’ve spent the last several months doing loads of DIY home improvements, from refurbishing cabinets to making tile tables, and collecting some vintage pieces from my wish list. Enjoying the space after working so hard on it makes me so happy.
Who or what inspires you the most?
I’m inspired the most by the little things—simple, everyday beautiful moments. It makes me so happy and uplifted to notice things like beautiful light and shadows on the walls, flowers growing next to the pavement, laundry hanging out of windows to dry… I’m also really inspired by beautiful objects and their symbolism from fruit to flowers to seashells.