A coffee with Lotte Maria

Hi Lotte! Welcome to the Lepelclub journal. We're super excited to have you here! Can you start by introducing yourself?
Of course, my beautiful woman. Thank you so much for inviting me, first of all. My name is Lotte-Maria, 26 years old, born in the Netherlands but raised all over the world.
We’d love to get to know you better! Where did you grow up, and where do you live now?
I grew up close to the city of Utrecht, in the Netherlands, in a small town village. My childhood was nothing but beautiful memories - filled with friends, family, laughter, love and health. Now that I am slowly getting older, I start to appreciate my small village childhood again (back then I thought it was the most boring place on earth- ha!). However, besides that small town village, I’ve lived all over the world. Many years in Lisbon, Barcelona, Dubai, London, Cape Town and of course Amsterdam. I consider the world as my oyster… ha.
You worked at one of the most beautiful places in the world. Can you tell us more about that experience?
Not sure whether all of you have heard about Sterrekopje (yet) but it is truly one of the most magical and one-of-a-kind hospitality concepts in the world, located in South Africa. The rituals, the interior, the people and the land itself are all so special. It brings you exactly all that you need in that period of time in your life. Rest, insights, lessons from mother earth, connection, love, enjoyment, peace… all is connected.
How have you grown personally and professionally over the years?
Oh well… I don’t even know where to start to be honest. Personally, let’s say I have been going through multiple rebirths the last few years. It has been a rollercoaster, an intense but beautiful journey. The question that triggered all of it came from my dad years ago, “Lot, who are you – really?” and the fact that I wasn’t able to answer that question at all made me wonder. It made me wonder about the truth of life – the essence of my soul, my personal path and what really matters. I mean, don’t get me wrong, my life was pretty amazing but it felt like I was trapped in a train going 200 km/hour while all I wanted, was to stand still and be aware. I think that our lives are a lot like the oceans. We – also – move at the rhythm of the moon, with each tide revealing new possibilities and each tide out, casting water spells of healing. Rick Riordan once said, “ The sea does not like to be restrained”, and so does my soul. Trust, persevere softly and be more free. To eventually choose my direction to sail in. Got my eyes on the horizon and my heart open. So one day, I can answer my dad fully, who I truly am.
Are there any specific experiences that have significantly impacted your personal development?
I don’t believe in any specific experiences perse that significanly impacted my personal development, as I believe in the overall path that I am walking as my biggest lesson. It’s a beautiful act to trust in the process of surrender, be present and start from the ground. The more grounded you are, the higher you fly.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Oh I love my free time! Time is everything to me. (1) Travelling the world – preferably a mix of the most remote and untouched places with my favourite St. Tropez beach clubs ha lol! – (2) Yoga and teaching yoga (Nidra and Vinyasa) – (3) Horseriding – used to have my own horse, they mean the world to me and there’s no such feeling as being on a horse and running over empty hills – (4) Hosting events and dinners (at home or in collab) – (5) Vintage shopping and finding those little gems – (6) (Analog) Photography – (7) Estatic dance – (8) Reading (A LOT) – (9) Creating pinterest boards with the most beautiful interior design pieces – (10) Attending cacao ceremonies, hosting and/or participating in women’s circles, retreats … you name it.
What personal values or principles guide your life and work?
Personal values or principles that guide my life and work… I guess that the receipe of life is as the flowers you plant in the garden each year. They will teach you that people too must fall, root, rise; in order to bloom… It’s okay not to always have the answers, not to always know how to define yourself. I don’t believe that we need to know everything. I believe that if you are true to yourself, clear in your heart about all the steps you take, the actions you take, your presence will explain everything for itself. The art of the mystery of life, not knowing what comes next – isn’t it beautiful? Be open, be present, be honest but most of all… surrender. Surrender to not knowing, to not having the answers… cause only then, you will get to know yourself better. Don’t force the outcome, don’t force to fit in a system you don’t belong to, don’t force to be someone you are not. Just colour your own painting and trust me, it will be the most beautiful one. Oh and last but not least – don’t take it all so seriously.
What are your dreams and aspirations for the future?
Oh my love! I got a thousand dreams. I love to dream – it’s such a beautiful gift. I want to live permanantly in the sun (Spain, Portugal and/or Italy), start a dining events initiative, work on beautiful projects, ride horses on a daily base, fall in love, keep on travelling the world, dance till the sun comes up, connect with beautiful people from all over, inspire others, improve my singing and piano, one day open my own photography exhibition, swim naked in the most beautiful hidden blue waters, buy my own boat, build my own finca next to the ocean but most importantly – walk hand in hand with all whom I love till the final day.